Rendering courtesy MINN_LAB.

Rendering courtesy MINN_LAB.

Rendering courtesy MINN_LAB

POSTography visualizes the density of public thought related to places throughout the city, and creates a vehicle for meaningful engagement with these places.
In this piece, the iconic Minneapolis central post office – a symbol of sending and receiving information – is the conceptual activator. A grid of luminous balloons representing locations throughout Minneapolis and St. Paul will float above the heads of visitors and be weighted by postcards written by each person passing underneath, relaying responses to a series of prompts. As certain areas of the cities receive more postcards, that area of the grid will be pulled towards the ground; this weight and detail of “thought,” then, can be sensed both from a distance and read up close. At the end of the night, the postcards will be collected and mailed, releasing the balloons to float off into the dawn.